Less Than 2% Chance of Conceiving Turned Into 100% Pregnant, Twice

"Kristen and Tony Burris are legitimate miracle workers. We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility with several failed interventions under our belt before we found Kristen. We even had an IVF round that yielded no embryo growth under the care of a reproductive endocrinologist. I had been to a previous acupuncturist before, but the comparison was not even close.  

When we sat down with Kristen, she listened, took notes and came up with a plan. Her caring manner and attention to every detail, among many other things, sets her apart from the rest. In her care, you know you are doing something that is going to be big. We also had many experiences with Tony, who again, like Kristen, is overall a wonderful human being. It’s hard to put into words how you feel around both Tony and Kristen, but I was definitely more at peace when I was receiving treatments.  

    After 5 months of treatments, herbs and supplements, despite our previous 2% odds given by a reproductive endocrinologist, we were pregnant. No additional interventions needed, just acupuncture. The joy of sitting on Kristen’s table, telling her “you did it,” will never leave my memory. She truly has a gift. I had a fairly relaxed pregnancy and continued regular treatments during that time as well. When we were ready to try for #2, even though I knew often times, patients of Kristen and Tony didn’t need any help with additional pregnancies, I was terrified. Imagine my surprise when after 1 month of trying, I got to sit on Kristen’s table again and tell her, “we’re pregnant!”  

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I can never thank Your Infertility Specialist enough for the gifts they’ve given me and my family. There really is no real way to repay them. They are truly miracle workers who clearly love what they do and are fabulous at it!"

Katy, Seth, Alice and Baby Ian C.

Your Infertility Specialist offers complex lifestyle and herbal medicine consultations to couples in the US. Our center has had babies born in Idaho, California, Oklahoma, Virginia, Oregon, Utah, Nevada, New York, Arizona and Washington state. Studies have proven our treatment plan enables couple to conceive two fold in 1/3 of the time compared to IVF. In addition, like this lovely couple, most of our patients do not need to come back to have child number 2 or 3.  They are now fertile and conceived on their own for the second child, a boy.  

Call for your personalized consult: (208) 938-1277. 

First Baby Conceived with Your Infertility Specialist, Kristen Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M.

Kristen Burris